Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Apart in two dimensions
Stars are explosions of true pure love, 
see each other from far away, 
in a different timeline & dimension. 
They admire & guide each other with true infinite love.

By Melissa HN

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Sunday, November 01, 2015

"Worthless net of labels" by M. Heredia-Nieda

Previously "Galaxy and the small world."

Technique: Acrilycs on Canvas.

35x35 CM.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"The bleeding sons and daughters of the high expectations"

I am one of those... :(

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

La pintura que quisiera pintar

La pintura que quisiera pintar 
debería ser surrealista, 
con técnica extraordinaria como la de da Vinci, 
con toques gráficos, 
como aquel que ilustra, 
planeada y pensada,
como el que construye puentes,  
al mismo tiempo poética, 
pero, por supuesto,
sin excesiva dulzura o pasión.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Gravity always wins | Acrylic on paper Canvas 37x37 cm

Goodbye V & M. Two more angels :.( 

You will always be in my heart
Never will forget you
It really hurts

Lord let me down again.